ELECTRICITY MATTERS is a three-day creative workshop during which the participants will get to know basic notions on sound art, electronics and sound improvisation. With the help of the artist Nataliya Petkova, each participant will build a series of electronic circuits that would manipulate the electricity feeding them and interpret it in the shape of sound harmonies and disharmonies. By using raw electricity as main conceptual matter, the circuits combine a series of basic electronic elements and chips that transform the applied electrical charge into sound potential. The shape, the content and the combination of each circuit is fluid, thus giving to each participant the possibility to invent his/her own instrument, as well as to manipulate it as chosen. The workshop is conceived with two main goals: to transfer new technical knowledge and to beget a creative dialog leading to a collective sound work to be shown publicly at the end of the process.
The workshop was presented at for the first time at DA Fest, Sofia, Bulgaria, thanks to the Association of cultural managers in Bulgaria, National Academy of Art and Robotev. Afterwards, the workshop and the ephemeral art collective took place in Montreal, Canada (Studio XX, 2018), Amsterdam, Holland (Instruments Make Play, 2017), Quebec, Canada (Avatar, 2017)